30419/2MATHS equalled fun at Westbury Junior School on Friday as pupils got creative in the classroom.

The school's Numeracy Fun Day saw youngsters discover the practical uses of subjects such as ratios, proportion and symmetry.

This saw pupils baking rice crispie cakes, producing scale drawings of Second World War shelters and learning about Celtic huts and mosaics.

Numeracy co-ordinator Kate Wordley said: "For the whole school we had a maths trail, so everyone got to do that during the day. I've had lots of good comments from them.

"We did some whole school data collection from the children and drew graphs to find out what their favourite things were."

Following Friday's success, Numeracy Fun Day could now become a regular fixture in the school calendar. Miss Wordley said: "It is important to link these things into a real life situation. I'm going to talk to the children and get some more formal feedback, but my instinct is that we are going to repeat it in the future."