THERE are just two weeks left to sign the Wiltshire Times' Save Our Hospital Beds petition.

The petition to save the 24 inpatient beds at Melksham Hospital from the axe has already been signed by more than 1,500 people.

Half the beds have closed already, after Dr James Hill, of Gifford's Surgery, ended his contract to provide cover at the hospital.

The other 12 are due to close at the end of June when Dr Rob Matthews, who works in Spa Medical Centre, ends his contract.

The two doctors say they were forced to pull out of providing cover because West Wiltshire Primary Care Trust was not paying them enough to cover costs, equating their contracts to charity work.

Wiltshire Times editor Andy Sambidge said: "We plan to present the petition to PCT boss Carol Clarke in two weeks. Before that it would be great to boost the number of signatures up to 2,000."

West Wiltshire Primary Care Trust is planning an overhaul of arrangements for hospital cover at all community hospitals under its control. Ms Clarke, who is also chief executive for Kennet and North Wiltshire PCT, says many of the existing arrangements are unsatisfactory.

This week Alan Weymouth, secretary of the Friends of Melksham Hospital, added his voice to the campaign , saying: "This is not the time to be calling for the cynical destruction of parts of the service that are dear to many of us, in particular our hospital beds where the chronically sick and dying can be treated and cared for as near to their family and friends as possible."

Extra petitions were sent out to the Co-op supermarket in Sandridge Road this week, after shoppers had filled them up. Petitions are also available in shops and pubs around Melksham.

They can also be obtained by contacting Jenny Haworth on (01225) 352483. Full petitions can be posted to her at: Wiltshire Times, 15 Duke Street, Trowbridge, BA14 8EF.