POLICE officers serving west and north Wiltshire have been rewarded for their commitment to the job and eye for detail.

Officers from the force's C division picked up their certificates in a service held at Wiltshire Police's divisional headquarters in Semington on Thursday.

Among those chosen for an award was Trowbridge officer Pc Lynette Fishlock, who secured a rare double.

She picked up one certificate for talking a suicidal woman out of jumping from the roof of the Castle Place multi-storey car park in Trowbridge.

Her citation read: "You displayed bravery and courage by negotiating the railings, grasping the female from behind and bringing her to safety.

"Although putting yourself at risk, you made the calculated decision to take such action and so prevented a serious injury or fatality."

Pc Fishlock was also commended for her behind the scenes work with drugs campaign Operation Checkmate. Melksham officer Pc Mark Wallace received an award for commitment.

Pc Wallace was singled out for an impressive arrest rate, including many while 'off duty', and his street knowledge.

Explaining his success, he said: "It's just going around looking for it. You get lucky sometimes, but you've got to go to the right areas. The way I see it, I'm being paid a decent wage and the public have a right to expect us to do our work whether we are on duty or not."

Pc Jo Tidmarsh, of Westbury police, received an award for the way she dealt with a fatal accident on the A36 at Black Dog Hill last August.

She said: "It wasn't the most pleasant of scenes. It's a hot spot down there and it's a very fast stretch of road."

Divisional commander Chief Superintendent Amanda Evely also handed out awards to the following north and west Wiltshire officers and staff: Mark Simpson, Sgt Chris Moore, Sgt Peter Sparrow, DC Steve Lever, Anne Williams and Pc Tim Cook (Melksham); DC Mark Newton, James Cochrane, Det Sgt Alan Strike, Pc Robert Prior, Pc Michael Matthews, Sgt Martin Alvis, Duncan Wolstenholm, Pc Kevin Herman (Chippenham); Sgt Mark Kent (Trowbridge); Pc Susan Seager (Calne); Pc Julia Dickson (Corsham).