THE appointment of a cardinal known as God's rottweiller as the 265th Pope has been welcomed by church leaders in west and north Wiltshire.

German Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, is known as a traditionalist with uncompromising views. Father Desmond Millett, of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church, in Chippenham, said: "I am delighted with the appointment. He is sound on doctrine. He is a scholar and a clear thinker."

The appointment has provoked a mixed reaction among Catholics across the world, .

The new Pope is firmly opposed to birth control and homosexuality, abortion and the ordination of women priests and supports the celibacy of the priesthood.

Father Christopher Whitehead, of St George's Church, Warminster, said: "If you as a Catholic Church believe those 115 cardinals were guided by God's Holy Spirit then the man that ended up standing on that balcony is God's choice."

Canon Liam O'Driscoll of St John's Church said: "I am very excited. I think he will be a great leader. He is a very spiritual man with an extraordinary intellect."