A CHILDBIRTH charity is raising its profile in Warminster after holding its first tabletop sale on Saturday.

The west Wiltshire and north Dorset branch of the National Childbirth Trust is looking to promote its activities to parents.

The sale at Warminster Assembly Rooms on Saturday offered baby clothing, equipment and books at cut price and branch vice-chairman Corinne Horton said the NCT has plenty to offer.

She said: "Open house coffee mornings are held each week in the Warminster and Westbury area and are open to expectant mothers, parents, babies and toddlers.

"This is a very useful way of meeting parents and making new friends while gaining lots of advice too. We also have a popular Bumps and Babes group every Tuesday morning at the Avenue Early Years Centre in Warminster. This is aimed at pregnant women, mums and dads with babies up to crawling."

More information from Corinne Horton on (01985) 214819 or log on to www.nctpregnancyandbabycare.com