TWO village schools officially became one on Tuesday after more than a year of planning behind the scenes.

The union of Codford and Steeple Langford schools to create the federated Wylye Valley Primary School was marked by celebrations at both sites.

Pupils unveiled two identical murals displaying the new school badge and the federation was blessed by Peter Hullah, the Bishop of Ramsbury.

Chairman of communications for the school governors Sue Jiggens said the move has proved "really positive" and explained how it came about.

She said: "Both Steeple Langford and Codford were small schools. When Steeple Langford was unable to fill the vacant post of headteacher, after two terms of a deputy head, it was decided to approach other local schools with a view to federation.

"Mrs Debi Downing, the headteacher, along with the staff and governors of Codford School were enthusiastic and the process began in April 2004."

Mrs Downing is now head of both sites and all year five and six pupils will be taught in Codford.

Both sites will still run separate classes from reception to year four.

Mrs Jiggens said: "We did a huge consultation last year between the community, the schools and the governors. The response was hugely for the federation so the LEA was happy to go ahead.

"It is a very positive thing. It had to have been as it would not have worked otherwise."

She added: "The mural was designed by the children and put together by professional artist Steve Porter. He came into both sites and the children got to paint it onto the walls, which they enjoyed."

The federation means Wylye Valley School has more than 100 pupils and Mrs Jiggens said it was already paying dividends.

She said: "We have seven new pupils coming to the Steeple Langford site in September. Clearly the move has been positive around the community as it has brought the confidence back."