A BLACK Watch soldier who served in Iraq has been jailed for 10 months for attacking a colleague with a glass.

Richard Scroggie, who has been thrown out of the Scottish regiment in disgrace, launched the attack in the Bath Arms, Warminster, on January 31.

Simon Brenchley, prosecuting, told Swindon Crown Court on Monday how Scroggie attacked Pte Christopher Rooney in the bar area. Scroggie walked up to Pte Rooney and started shouting at him.

Mr Brenchley said: "Pte Rooney asked him what was his problem and at this point he picked up a glass, whisky tumbler sized, turned towards him and struck him to the left hand side of the head, causing the glass to break.

"Pte Rooney tried to defend himself by hitting out and a scuffle broke out between the two men. In the scuffle Scroggie was seen to pick up a pool ball but that was taken from, him by others and they were separated."

Pte Rooney suffered a cut to the upper part of his scalp which needed four to five stitches, as well as a graze to the side of his face and cut nose.

Scroggie, of Rossendale, Lancs, pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm at the hearing.

The court heard he had been convicted of battery after punching another soldier outside a pub while posted in Germany and had been dealt with by the army.

Sarah Regan, defending, said Scroggie had been dismissed from the regiment following the incident in Germany and said the offending was down to his drinking. She said leaving the army was particularly hard as he came from a military family and his father was still in the Black Watch.

Scroggie, who had completed two tours in Iraq, apologised to his victim the next day. Jailing him, Judge Tom Longbotham said "No doubt alcohol played its part on your behaviour that evening but that is no excuse at all."