I WOULD like to take this opportunity on behalf of my family, but especially my brother Asa, to publicly thank your readers, and the people of Trowbridge and beyond, for the support and concern they have shown since the tragic events of January 8 2005.

As reported by your newspaper, Asa was the victim of a street assault in Trowbridge that left him fighting for his life for several weeks with a severe traumatic brain injury. Our lives were torn apart that night.

We have been overwhelmed by the messages of support for Asa, and the genuine concern from people about his condition. My family has business interests in Trowbridge, and not a day passes without several phone calls often from strangers enquiring as to Asa's condition.

We knew Asa was generally thought of as a popular, friendly, "happy-go-lucky" character, but we have been genuinely astonished by the level of support people have shown.

We do not know whether Asa will ever recover from the severe head injuries he sustained that night. In the first few hours we were informed by medical staff at Frenchay Hospital to expect the worse, and so we take some comfort from the fact that Asa is still with us. He is currently being cared for in the Royal Mineral Hospital in Bath, and we pray that he can make a recovery that will give him back at least some quality of life. Only time will tell.

On behalf of Asa and my family, I would like to thank everybody who has shared our shock, disbelief and concern for his condition over the last four difficult months. We have read out all the cards, emails and telephone messages to Asa at his bedside, and we would like to sincerely thank everybody for their good wishes and support so far, and hope that you continue to think of him in the future.

