77077-59MEMBERS of an RAF squadron have sealed their links with a Swindon school by donating a complete set of football strips.

The children at Goddard Park primary school, which has girls and boys teams, were given the kit by Squadron 39, which is based at RAF Marham, in Norfolk.

The unlikely link between the airmen and the Park North school began during the Iraq war.

Diane Henderson is a teaching assistant at the school and her husband, Craig, was in the RAF.

Carol Davies, administration officer at the school, explained.

"Craig said it would be nice if the children sent letters to the guys," she said. "We've been in touch ever since."

The airmen have visited the school twice, staying overnight in Swindon.

Carol said: "They come and chat to the kids, and usually there has been something for them to do in the school grounds.

"Last time they did some tree planting and they are coming again in May to start work on a memorial garden for Mitchell McCarthy."

Ten-year-old Mitchell, who had Down's Syndrome, died after being hit by a car while crossing Queen's Drive last June.

The football strips have been very well received by the youngsters at the school.

Carol said: "The children are absolutely delighted people so far away would think of them and send the kit.

"And it's not just shirts, there are socks, kit-bag and footballs.

"Last time the airmen were here they said they would like to do something for the school and decided to donate the strips.

"I think everybody gets something out of this. It really is excellent.

"When they are here they spend time in the classroom with the kids, and they love it.

"We have a designated display board which we update regularly. It has pictures of the RAF guys and all the letters they have sent when they are away on active tours."

David Andrew