VANDALS have ransacked a Swindon special school and smashed a minibus into the building.

Nyland Special School in Nythe was closed this morning after intruders broke into buildings and left a trail of destruction in their wake, including smashed windows, damaged walls and flooded classrooms.

One local youth has been arrested in connection with the incident.

Police were called to the area at 4.20am by a milkman who spotted damage at the school.

Officers found that the vandals had used a minibus they found on the site to smash through the wall at the front of the main building.

It is believed the offenders broke in through a skylight and went from classroom to classroom smashing windows and damaging plumbing, causing water to flood several of the rooms.

They then found the keys to a school minibus and reversed the vehicle into the building before making their escape.

A Swindon police spokes-man said vandals had left an extensive trail of damage.

A youth was arrested this morning and is being held in custody at Swindon central police station.

Officers from the town's burglary unit are now investigating the matter and expect to make further arrests.

Swindon Council spokes-man Gavin Calthrop said: "There was an incident last night at Nyland Special School that is now the subject of a police investigation.

"Intruders broke into the school grounds and caused some damage, the extent of which is currently being assessed.

"Unfortunately the school has been forced to close today and we will be issuing updates as soon as we have them."

Local residents have expressed shock at the attack.

John Clark, 62, who lives near the school, said: "Nothing like this has ever happened before since I have been living here.

"I can't think why anyone would want to break into a special school unless they were after the computers."

The school looks after children aged five-11 with emotional and behavioural learning difficulties, ranging from autism to dyslexia.

Anthony Osborne