77103-50A Swindon woman has been showing off her extensive collection of sweet dispensers on the small screen.

Jennifer Cady, 25, who has been collecting PEZ candy toys for 13 years, was featured on last night's 20th Century Road Show on BBC1.

Her haul of more than 400 of the colourful plastic gizmos impressed the experts but they were unable to tell her how much it was worth.

"He hadn't heard of them before," Jennifer said. "But he said it was a good collection. He didn't give me a price but I reckon they're worth thousands," she joked.

She started collecting on a family holiday on the Isle of Wight when she was 12.

And even though the spare room of her home, which she shares with boyfriend Jonathan Wickham, is overrun with the things, she has no intention of getting rid of them.

She said: "Whenever my friends go away they bring more back for me. My boyfriend thinks I'm a geek, but he doesn't really mind."

The show, presented by Alan Titchmarsh, was filmed at the Science Museum in Wroughton last October.

Hundreds of people went to the museum's D4 hangar to have items valued and show off their collectables of the future.

And for Jennifer, a product controller at the Evening Advertiser, it was a rare chance to share her collection with the rest of the world. But while her habit may seem an odd one she is not the only Pez collector.

"They have Pez conventions in America," she enthused.

"I've never been to one but I'd love to go."

Pez facts

PEZ was first marketed as a peppermint candy more than 70 years ago in Vienna, Austria.

The name PEZ was derived from the German word for peppermint, Pfefferminz.

Today, over 3 billion PEZ Candies are consumed each year in America alone.

Over here they are available at Top Shop, Woolworths and independent sweet shops for 99p.

With their collectable dispensers, PEZ claims to be a pioneer of 'interactive candy' because it is enjoyable to eat and fun to play with.

PEZ Dispensers are hot collectables for adults and children alike.

There is even a website dedicated to collectors.

New character dispensers are introduced regularly to capitalize on current trends.

The latest one is the Sponge Bob Square Pants PEZ.

Available around the world in more than 60 countries, PEZ comes in regular, cola and sour flavours.

You can also get PEZ lip balm.