GLAMOUR photos can be downloaded on to mobile phones in a new service launched this week.

Trowbridge-based Virgin Mobile has teamed up with entrepreneur Peter Stringfellow to offer adult photographs of both men and women from his decadent nightclub in London.

There are two levels of photos, one set featuring scantily-clad beauties and hunks, the other including topless shots available only to over-18s.

Club owner Peter Stringfellow said: "This partnership means that anyone can enjoy the Stringfellows experience, anytime, anyplace, anywhere. A mobile phone gives them more privacy and the more comfortable people feel, particularly women, the more they enjoy it."

The move has prompted outrage from anti-porn campaigners who say Virgin Mobile is encouraging immorality.

The Rev Janet Wood, of the Warminster-based Foundation Christian Fellowship, said: "It is pornographic. I think it is trading on people's weaknesses and will lead to more and more depravity. It is completely unnecessary for a communications network. I am disappointed but not in the least surprised."

Virgin Mobile spokesman Jo Baker said the second tier of images would be subject to strict safeguards to ensure under-18s cannot access them and no-one would have anything on their phone they did not want.

She said: "People might criticise it but they don't have to download it if they don't want it, the same as any other service. We don't want it to be in people's faces but there are people out there who do want something like this."

Similar services are offered by other companies and Virgin Mobile, whose headquarters are on the White Horse Business Park, already offers images of television stars but, as far as the company is aware, it is the first to offer images of men as well.

Miss Baker said: "There are plenty of images out there for men but we wanted to offer something for the girls or for people who are gay."

The images will cost £2 each, plus the standard rate to download and the catalogue of images will be constantly refreshed.

The Rev Wood said: "I think they are taking a lead and when they make money on it other companies will follow suit."

She said once images such as these are out there the way is opened up for more graphic images to be made available.

Miss Baker said: "I can't say that in the future what other adult content we might be offering but it won't be hardcore porn. What we offer will be in line with the brand. It will be fun and flirty."