30417PEOPLE who take the time to give something back to the community were honoured at a special ceremony this week.

Trowbridge mayor Grace Hill presented over 100 people with civic awards at a town gathering held on Wednesday.

Cllr Hill said: "I think the community gives to the community. The people who were nominated and got the awards all work very hard and give a lot of love and care to the community and I think they deserve recognition for that."

The entertainment at the event was provided by members of the Starry Eyes group and four were themselves presented with awards.

The Longfield Boys, 16-year-olds Nicky Mattravise, JC Brown and Dalton Gilling, along with 19-year-old Carl Triggs, Adam Philpotts, 18 and 19-year-old Mark Sheratt, were recognised for their work with younger children and their fundraising efforts.