Asa FreemanA man who has been in a coma since suffering head injuries in a street assault four months ago has opened his eyes for the first time.

Asa Freeman, 32, was left fighting for his life after hitting his head on the kerb in Silver Street, Trowbridge, in January.

Family friend Nick Day told the Wiltshire Times: "He is still very, very poorly but there are signs of improvement in that he is awake more of the time. He still can't do any of the basic functions but he has got to the stage where we think he is going to recognise people again. If you move at his bedside his eyes will occasionally follow you."

The former St Augustine's Catholic College pupil, who works at Safe and Sound, in Church Walk, Trowbridge was allegedly punched and knocked to the ground.

He was rushed to Frenchay Hospital, Bristol, and his family were told he might never recover.

His brother Silas said in a letter to the Wiltshire Times: "Our lives were torn apart that night. We pray that he can make a recovery that will give him back at least some quality of life. Only time will tell."

Mr Freeman, of Church Walk, Trowbridge, is now being cared for at the Royal Mineral Hospital in Bath but doctors cannot tell his family if his condition will improve further.

Mr Day said: "The good news is that the neurosurgical report indicates he has the potential to make a substantial recovery but equally they say he might never improve from where he is, which is pretty much a vegetative state."

Mr Freeman was raised in Bradford on Avon, where his parents still live, and is well known both there and in Trowbridge.

His mother, Diane, owns Body Beautiful in Trowbridge and the salon has received phone calls every day from wellwishers.

Silas Freeman said: "We have been overwhelmed by the messages of support for Asa and the genuine concern from people about his condition.

Four Trowbridge men, Paolo Rossi, 19, of Newtown and 18-year-olds Lee Frisby, of Regents Place, Shane Flexon, of College Road and Joel Bailey, of Shrewton Close, are due to appear at Swindon Crown Court on Monday charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent. Rossi and Flexon are also facing charges of actual bodily harm to Mr Freeman's friend, Jason Delaney.

Rossi and Flexon were due to appear before magistrates at Chippenham yesterday charged with breaking their bail conditions. Conditions bar Rossi from entering Trowbridge and Flexon from entering the town centre. The men were also ordered not to have contact with each other.