APPROXIMATELY two months ago, the bus shelter on The Drive/ Tregantle Walk was moved about 20 yards from the bus stop.

What the purpose of this is I don't know, eventually I'm sure they will move the stop to the shelter, though at the moment it is no consolation to people waiting for the bus when it's been cold and wet over the last two months.

Obviously the bus drivers stop at the bus stop and not the bus shelter. There is a notice in the shelter stating the council are waiting for a parking restriction order to come in, before they can put the stop and shelter together.

This seems like more bad planning and cost, that the council tax payer has to bear, and can ill afford.

These new bus shelters were only put up in the past 18 to 24 months, so whoever was responsible for the planning and siting of this stop and shelter, has failed in their duty to the users of the bus service, and also the council tax payers of Swindon.

The council is cutting costs on important services but throwing money away on this situation.

R J Anning

Nythe, Swindon