I REFER to the Adver Friday, April 15 "Drivers lucky escape" detailing the accident between a Land Rover Discovery and a non-UK registered articulated lorry.

As a regular commuter on this stretch of the M4, I witness on a daily basis lorries (many from the UK too) pulling out suddenly causing drivers in the middle lane to either lurch violently into the outside lane or brake hard to avoid collision.

I was involved in a serious accident caused by an articulated lorry last July on the same stretch of road and this brings back unpleasant memories. Given that we've heard from the police that this stretch of the M4 is to be further surveyed by speed cameras due to its "dangerous'' status, wouldn't it be an idea to catch on camera these lorry drivers who are relying on other motorists to get out of their way?

A closer examination of the actual vehicles involved in these accidents needs to take place.

M Wylie

Sparcells, Swindon