CHIPPENHAM NEWS: CREEPY crawlies invaded a Chippenham nursery on Tuesday to help children learn about the natural world.

Youngsters at Leapfrog Day Nursery, in Bath Road, were treated to snakes, giant stick insects, cockroaches, giant land snails, rabbits, rats and toads.

The animal visit from Zoolab was part of a New Life project run by the nursery to help children learn about growth and birth.

Michelle Fernandez, nursery manager, said: "Most of them leapt in and put the giant stick insect on their arm, they were all much braver than me.

"It was part of our New Life project based on spring and how animals grow and develop.

"These are not the kind of creatures the children usually come into contact with. But I hope none of them have been left behind."

Around 35 pre-school children got to hold the creepy crawlies and were treated to talks about each animal.

Today Leapfrog Day Nursery is hosting a traditional English St George's Day party with tea and scones.