SERIAL paedophile Craig Taylor was an office sex pest who leered at young male employees.

A former colleague has revealed how the pervert came close to being punched on several occasions while working at the WH Smith's Green-bridge headquarters.

Male colleagues were horrified when Taylor known for his geekiness and BO would sidle up to them and make blatant advances.

Taylor particularly enjoyed the summer months, when there was an influx of college students.

Matthew Bastin was 21 when he worked there as an admin assistant in 1997.

He was revolted by Taylor, whose job was to ensure the company's IT system ran smoothly.

Taylor who has a history of sex attacks on boys and was convicted of two new assaults this week would frequently pester Matthew, and make crude remarks. He was a real pest, and really gave me the creeps," said Matthew, now 28. "I remember him as being very freaky, and I'll never forget his terrible BO.

"He would constantly make crude remarks. One day I was bending down picking up some pallets and he came up behind me and made some disgusting comment."

He often caused tempers to flare.

"One day he was having a cigarette out the back and I had to walk passed him," said Matthew.

"He tried to make conversation, but I just couldn't stand talking to him. Then he suddenly put his arm around me and tried to kiss me.

"I threatening to knock his teeth down his throat."

On another occasion, a colleague had to be restrained from punching him after a similar incident.

Students working there over the summer were repulsed by him. They had to go into his office to pick up computer print outs, and he would always pester them," said Matthew.

"He would chat them up, and call them 'my boy'. One guy threatened to punch him, but he still didn't get the message."

After two years, Matthew left his job and it was then he found out about Taylor's past. I saw him in Tesco, and a friend asked how I knew him and said he was a convicted paedophile," he said.

"I had heard rumours, but just dismissed them. I was horrified when I read about him in the Adver."

The 44-year-old, of Stubsmead, Eldene, has two previous convictions for child sex abuse, but was allowed to live in the community.

He is awaiting sentence after being convicted of assaulting two teenage boys.

Tamash Lal