77108-4THERE are less than two weeks to go and the candidates are stepping up their campaigns.

Agents have been appointed, a venue is booked for a public meeting and the fight is on for every vote.

But this is the Goddard Park Primary School election the candidates are all 10-years-old and pupils as young as three can vote.

Nikki Instan is the Vote for Language Clubs candidate.

"I just wanted to be in an election because I have never been in an election before," she said.

"I thought of language clubs because if people go on holiday and they don't know what they are saying they might say the wrong thing."

But Amy Donald, standing for the Vote for a Better Playground Party, hopes she will pick up more votes.

"I am doing the playground because at break times there is nothing to do.

"I thought we could have more equipment and we could have a buddy stop for people who have no one to play with."

Thomas Bowman, standing for More PE, added: "I thought it would be interesting to see what it is like to be a candidate.

"I wanted more PE because I really like going on the climbing bars."

As part of the Adver's election coverage we will bring you the full results of the Goddard Park election.

But the voting will not be able to take place on May 5 the students have that day off as their school will be transformed into a polling station for the General Election.

Isabel Field