TEACHERS and parents were in shock today as they surveyed the damage after vandals ran riot in a Swindon special school.

The cost of repairs at Nyland School in Nythe is likely to run into tens of thousands of pounds.

And deputy head Ralph Lancaster-Gaye said he feels a mixture of shock, anger and bewilderment at the trail of destruction left at Nyland Special School.

As reported in later editions of yesterday's Adver, the offenders entered the school through a skylight in the roof of the building, then ran riot in the corridors and four of the classrooms, smashing glass, destroying equipment and ripping children's work from the walls.

And when they had done all the damage they could to the inside of the school, they stole the keys to the minibus and drove it into the side of the building, before making off.

The school had no choice but to close yesterday and is not expected to reopen until Tuesday. Mr Lancaster-Gaye said: "We are looking at tens of thousand of pounds worth of damage.

"Some of the property will be covered by local authority insurance but inevitably there will be a financial implication for the school.

"I would suggest that this was a completely pre-meditated attack.

"My first reaction was dispassionate despair at the violation of a community school.

"Now I feel a mixture of upset, angry and bewildered.

"A person would have to be very disturbed to do this."

Because the school has been closed since the attack, the pupils, who have emotional and behavioural learning difficulties, are yet to see the damage.

Mr Lancaster-Gaye said: "The children here regard their school as so valuable and so important.

"When they return on Tuesday and see that it has been violated in this way, they will be very upset.

"We will work with them to help them to come to terms with this."

A clean-up operation is underway and the damaged brickwork on the side of the building is being repaired.

All four of the classrooms that were vandalised will be back in use on Tuesday but maintenance work will need to be carried out on one at a later date.

Mr Lancaster-Gaye said: "We are determined to get the school up and running again.

"The teachers have been in and will be in over the weekend helping to clear up the mess.

"I am delighted with their enthusiasm and commitment to getting the school open again."

A local youth has been arrested in connection with the incident and is being questioned.

It is believed that the incident took place either on Thursday night or the early hours of yesterday morning.

A Swindon police spokes-man said: "As this was in a residential area there is a strong possibility that someone would have seen or heard the commotion coming from inside the school.

"I would urge them to contact us as a matter of priority on 01793 528111.

"If anyone would prefer to leave anonymous information they can ring Crime-stoppers on 0800 555 111.

Sad history of attacks

This is not the first time that vandals and thieves have targeted Swindon's special schools.

In December 2004 vandals damaged a new trampoline in the playground of The Chalet School, Liden.

The school has suffered regularly from vandalism since moving onto its current site in 2002 and installed CCTV at a cost of £15,000.

In March 2003 40 saplings were stolen from Crowdys Hill School in Stratton St Margaret a week after they had been planted.

In January 2002 vandals damaged three mini buses at Brimble Hill School in Park North, smashing windows, kicking in a roof and stealing fire extinguishers.

Diana Milne