7128-350HIGH profile Tory Michael Ancram gave Swindon's Conservative candidates a boost by helping them canvass local residents.

The Deputy Leader of the Opposition was back in his old hunting ground as he was an MP for Swindon before election boundary changes in 1997.

Mr Ancram said he was confident that the Tory candidates Justin Tomlinson (North Swindon) and Robert Buckland (South Swindon) would enjoy a double success in next month's election.

And on Saturday he helped the pair persuade residents to vote Conservative during tours around Stratton and Wroughton.

"It's good to be back in the area," said Mr Ancram, the Shadow Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs.

"It brings back some fond memories."

"We have two excellent candidates in Swindon and I give them my full support."

Top of the agenda during Saturday's canvassing was some of the party's key election promises including cleaner hospitals, more police, tighter controls on immigration and better discipline in schools.

Coun Tomlinson said he also drummed home how pensioners would benefit under a Conservative government with pledges of council tax discounts and better pensions.

"I'm feeling very positive," he said.

"I've had an excellent campaign. After eight years of broken promises from the Labour Party I feel people are ready to vote Conservative."