77142-39A SWINDON bingo caller is hoping a competition win will be the first in a long line of victories.

Phil Davies, who works at Gala in Greenbridge, won the regional final of the bingo caller of the year award which was held in Swindon yesterday.

The 39-year-old, of Penhill, impressed the judges, securing top marks for pronunciation, personality and pace during an interview and number call out.

He will go on to the national final in Birmingham on July 10.

"I was on cloud nine when I heard I won and I'm still up there," he said.

"It's the first competition I've won. I was very nervous and I'm still shaking now."

Phil has been in the job for more than 20 years and once called the numbers dressed as a women and sitting in baked beans for charity.

His colleague, Lee Walker, of Cricklade Road, ensured a Swindon double by coming second in the competition.

He has been working at Gala for five years and has been a caller for three-and-a-half years. Lee came third in the regional heats last year.

To qualify for the awards, competitors had to be a green card holder which proves they have reached a certain standard.