77114-134A MUM-OF-TWO has written a book about dyslexia aimed specifically at parents.

Maria Chivers, 49, of Blunsdon, says mums and dads have a vital role to play in diagnosing the condition.

She herself suffers from dyslexia so do her two sons, Jeremy, 23, and Mark, 21, who were both diagnosed in the 1980s when many in the health profession still refused to properly acknowledge the learning difficulty.

Out of frustration she launched the Swindon Dyslexia Centre, which opened in 1991.

These days schools are becoming more "switched-on" but Mrs Chivers believes more needs to be done at home.

The book, called A Parent's Guide to Dyslexia and Other Learning Difficulties, gives useful tips on how to tell if your child is dyslexic.

This is the fourth book she has had published.

And she's hoping this latest work proves as successful as the last.

Practical Strategies for Living with Dyslexia has been flying off the shelves and the publishers are now translating it into different languages.

Mrs Chivers revealed how back problems turned out to be a blessing-in-disguise.

"For years I had quite severe back pain, which resulted in an operation," she said.

"I had to take time off work and this gave me a chance to research my latest book.

"I spoke to many parents and the one thing I found was that they very keen to learn about the condition once it was diagnosed.

"I have tried to make things as clear as possible for them."

When the pain was too severe to get out of bed, Mrs Chivers would shift her attention to the centre's website, which required updating.

"I'd been meaning to update it for ages but never had the time," she said.

"Then I found myself stuck in bed with nothing to do. I dug the laptop out and got to work."

Although the main focus is on dyslexia, other conditions are also discussed in the book.

These include Dyscalculia an ability to understand maths and Dysgraphia a condition that hinders handwriting.

"More and more cases are being diagnosed each year so it's important people under-stand and recognise the signs," she said.

"Ten years ago we only had around 40 people on the books at the Swindon Dyslexia Centre. Now there are more than 100."

Practical Strategies for Living with Dyslexia is out now priced £8.99. For more information about dyslexia visit www.swindondyslexia-centre.co.uk

Kevin Shoesmith