A DRUNK who stabbed a woman as he robbed her of her purse in her own home has been jailed for three years.

Christopher O'Donnell armed himself with a 10 inch breadknife before raiding the house.

The 33-year-old was drunk when he attacked the neighbour of his girl-friend at her home in Freshbrook.

Colin Meeke, prose-cuting, told Swindon crown court that Zoe Baldwin was at home when she was visited by a neighbour and her boyfriend, O'Donnell.

"Later there was a knock at the door and the defendant was outside, apparently very drunk," he said. "He asked her for a mobile number and then came into the flat.

"He then produced a bread knife with a 10 inch blade from inside his coat and pointed it at her.

"Initially she thought it was a joke but then she realised it was serious and she tried to push him away."

The two of them then grappled and fell on to the sofa but during the struggle he grabbed the purse and fled.

Miss Baldwin then chased him before realising she was bleeding heavily from her hand.

When she went to hospital she needed four stitches.

Inside the purse was £100 in cash as well as a driving licence, birth certificate, cash cards and personal photographs.

Mr Meeke said that as a result of the attack Miss Baldwin found it hard to cope with the injury.

She also kept waking up seeing the large knife in front of her and was also distraught at the loss of a photograph of a former boyfriend who had died.

O'Donnell, of Walter Close, The Prinnells, admitted robbery, actual bodily harm and having a knife

Claire Marlow, defending, said that when he was arrested he assisted the police showing them where the knife was.

Jailing him, Recorder George Leggatt QC said: "It is clear that the cause of your problems is your drinking and until you can control that problem you will remain a risk to other people."

Tamash Lal