BATH is a city which attracts visitors from all over the world and students to its university. But that does not make it superior to Swindon.

Professor Breakwell has no right to think she can annexe Swindon as an overspill site for the benefit of Bath University.

She claims it is for the benefit of Swindon, but the very large Bath and the very small Swindon in the logo tells a different story.

Swindon does not have the history of Bath but it attracts visitors from all over the world. because Swindon is a centre of scientific, technical and commercial excellence.

Bath has its former glories, but Swindon has become a vibrant contributor to the nation's economic future.

Local political candidates concluded the town is capable of creating a university without building over Coate.

The borough council must stand up and be counted. I trust they will remember they were elected to safeguard the Swindon's interests

A firm 'no' must be given to Bath University and the developers whose interests are in making money out of Swindon.

E Beint

Lydgate, Burnley