IN a recent edition of your paper, people were giving their opinions on the riding of bicycles in the town centre.

The perpetrators are faced with a £30 fine and everyone seems to agree that this is a good thing.

But, in nine cases out of ten, the culprits don't have 10p to their names they are generally young boys.

For many years now I have had arthritic knees, which make walking difficult.

However, I can cycle, if somewhat slowly.

I have quite often ridden up Regent Street and been a danger to no one.

In fact, I have often been passed by pedestrians in a hurry.

Times without number I have seen boys of 16 dashing in and out of shoppers. If you try to reprimand them you are sure to get a mouthful of Anglo Saxon.

Equally menacing are the roller-skaters, one must admire their skill, but accidents do happen and it is always the elderly who get hurt.

I'm 77 and know I couldn't get up again after being hit by a young skater in a hurry, but why punish the careful cyclists or the sins of the young?

Nothing is said about electric wheelchairs because the owners don't go all that fast in town, surely there is a dividing line where the thoughtful can enjoy the facilities of the town without being prosecuted?


Park South
