I feel a need to add my comment to the discussion on the safety cameras now being deployed on the M4.

Firstly, let's call them by their real name and that is speed camera, nothing more nothing less. None of us are so stupid as to believe that the use of these cameras are for our safety, and nothing to do with revenue earning.

Secondly, on April 20 junction 15 of the M4 was shut due to an accident involving two lorries. How would these 'safety' cameras have prevented this?

Lastly and most importantly, the Swindon and Wiltshire Safety Camera Partnership spokespersons state that the area between junction 14 and junction 18 has many accidents, and this is the reasoning behind these cameras' deployment. However, when the question is asked as to what percentage of these accidents were down to excessive speed these spokespersons are noticeable by their silence.

Do they not have the statistics, or maybe the statistics show that speed is not the major contributing factor to these accidents.

Let's have more honesty please and less 'trickery'.

N.L. Japhtha
