WHY should Marlborough suffer through the greed of Crest Nicholson and the megalomania St John's School headteacher of Patrick Hazelwood?

The only development this congested town needs is affordable housing. Half of the houses on the Chopping Knife site are supposed to be affordable but now, predictably, the developers want to squeeze 30 more houses in and increase their profits by cutting the number of modestly priced ones by half.

Dr Hazlewood says this is the only way to pay for his expensive new school. They must feel safe making this threat because the school plans are well advanced and appearing to change their minds now will be condoned to let the school go ahead.

If the Chopping Knife site yields less than hoped then the school plans should be cut back accordingly. Must a local comprehensive cost £20 million?

Another big housing development will probably occupy the redundant industrial site which has scarred the southern approach to the town and is clearly not viable. This will be another gift to the developers.

Does Marlborough want an ever expanding population (with two cars per household) all working elsewhere and shopping in one supermarket in one gridlocked street?

