A CHARITY which brings disadvantaged children from Belarus for holidays in Wiltshire is raising funds at a jumble sale in Wanborough on Saturday.

The Zaslowya Project arranges holidays for the Belarussian children twice every year.

The project aims to provide hope and develop self-esteem in young people and families who live in and around the town of Zaslowya, hit by the Chernobyl disaster in 1986.

The event will include sales of clothes, bric-a-brac, books, CDs, household goods and furniture.

There will be refreshments on sale and a raffle which has prizes including a signed Manchester United top, Manchester United tickets, mobile phones, champagne, a day at Newbury Races and a round of golf at Cricklade Hotel.

One of the organisers is Lynda Millen, who hopes the sale will raise £500 for the project. Linda, 26, from Newbury, said: "I'm hoping to raise funds, but also to raise the profile of the charity and maybe get more volunteers to help with our work."

Anyone wanting to donate jumble should take it to Wanborough Primary School, The Beanlands, on Friday between 5.30pm and 8pm. The sale takes place at the school on Saturday at 2pm. Admission is 20p.