Ref 16022/2GAZETTE & HERALD: Potential Formula One racing drivers and car designers gathered in Chippenham High Street on Saturday to check out prototype vehicles at the launch of the lead up to the Gravity Race.

Chippenham Town Council and the Town Centre Partnership have teamed up with the motor sport engineering department at Wiltshire College Lackham, to organise the race on Sunday August 28.

Entry packs were handed out and by Tuesday morning completed forms had arrived on the desk of organiser Emma King. With just 40 places in the race Ms King reckoned it wouldn't be long till the race was fully subscribed.

"We had a really good turnout, with lots of people crowding round the cars and getting some ideas," she said.

Businesses, clubs and organisations, local authorities and members of the public are invited to build their own non-powered gravity racer and enter the Gravity Race, which will have Formula One and Formula Fun categories.