ONCE again I read in your letters page that democracy is being denied the people of Swindon (EA May 4).

I know we are a pretty isolated borough, being 20 or 30 miles to the next town of any decent size but surely that does not give us the right to put our own quirky interpretations on words in the English language.

My understanding of the word democracy is government by a body elected by the people. Not government by a small cabal or clique, which is an oligarchy.

It seems in this town any small group of protesters can cry that democracy is being denied to them.

With all the expansion around Swindon there must be thousands of people who have never visited Coate Water.

Some of the letters being published are so ridiculous, one could believe the lake was going to be drained, filled with concrete and multi-story car parks built.

I also cannot understand the mind-set of people accusing the council of making a quick buck.

As far as I'm concerned, the more quick bucks they make, the less council tax we all have to pay.

W Duggan

Walcot, Swindon