SWINDON Council offers a 'good' adult and community education service with a wide range of courses, according to a new report.

Bruce Clarke, manager of the Swindon Learning Partnership, which delivers the service, was pleased with the conclusion of the government inspection.

"Three years ago we were just starting out with little experience or management systems in place," he said. "It is remarkable we have come so far in such a short time, even more so in that we work through contracting out arrangements so everything has to be done through negotiation and consultation.

"This result goes against the national trend where many LEAs, facing rigorous inspection regimes, have withdrawn their service or have been poorly rated."

The service reaches more than 4,500 learners a year with a wide range of classes and venues.

In the inspection particular praise was given to Family Learning programmes and the equal opportunities achievements.

Jackie Crowther, Family Learning co-ordinator, said: "We have set up over 10 SOKs (Support Our Kids) clubs in family centres, primary schools and libraries.

"This innovative approach, developed in Swindon and featured on national television, is designed to encourage families to learn together." For more information about Swindon Learning Partnership go to www.swindon-learning-partnership.org