GERMAN folk from Swindon's twin town of Salzgitter will get a glimpse of our proud railway roots next month.

A full programme of activities has now been drawn up for the culture vultures who arrive on June 1.

They will be accommodated during their week-long stay by members of the Swindon Salzgitter Twinning Association.

The historic partnership was signed exactly 30-years ago by then Mayor of Swindon, Reg Clarke, who is still an active member of the group.

A hearty restaurant meal awaits the group on their arrival.

The next day the group will be shown around the Railway Village considered a national treasure and the Steam museum.

Other activities include a trip on the River Thames when the Germans will get to view Westminster and a tour of the Cotswolds. A day of celebration is planned on June 7 when current Mayor, Peter Stoddart, will oversee the planting of a tree at the Polo Ground in Downsview Road.

Anyone wanting further information, or simply to get involved in the group, can call John Hamilton on 01793 782628.