16147/6GAZETTE & HERALD: RUNNING enthusiast Anthony Kane was the first person to complete a rigorous challenge set by the Olympiad Leisure Centre.

Participants had to exercise as if they were travelling the country in the 'Around Britain in 40 Days' test.

Mr Kane, 51, who lives in Chippenham, finished after just four days.

"I'm pleased with myself," he said. "I wanted to prove to people that I could do it."

Mr Kane saw the challenge, which was launched on April 18, advertised at the leisure centre and made it his goal to complete it.

He started his journey in Kingston and used the running machine to travel along the Thames to London.

On his journey he went to the Lake District, visited Liverpool and climbed 75 floors on the stepper at Blackpool.

"That's my ambition, to run around the world raising money for charities," he said.

In the last three months Mr Kane has run 265 miles to and from his home to Brewers Fayre where he works, training for a sponsored run from Chippenham to London, which he hopes to begin on Tuesday.

He will be raising money for Cancer Research. Sarah-Jane's Sports, on Gaston's Road in Chippenham, donated a pair of running shoes for his expedition to London.