IN your report of the redevelopment plan for Cocklebury Road (May 12) it was stated that the much needed second access to the Monkton Park area would be the last element, implemented perhaps in 15 years' time.

Once again our planners are proposing a major scheme without the provision of the necessary infrastructure. It is well known that, even before this new development, the sole access is grossly overloaded.

One can conceive the possibility of a major blockage in this road coinciding with a serious incident within the Monkton Park cul-de-sac. As emergency vehicles would be unable to gain access, lives could be lost.

It seems condescending to announce a provision for access to a new bridge across the railway when there is no intention of building it. The bridge should be built at the start with a contribution by the developers. Is Coun Allnatt the only person connected with the district council to show any sense in this matter?

