Westbury Area Community Plan, which aims to improve life for local people, was launched last week.

Alison Irving, vice-chairman of the Westbury Area Action Group, urged community members and groups to get involved in devising and delivering projects that challenge the issues identified in the plan.

More than 40 people attended the launch at Westbury Infants' School and they spent time discussing the eight themes in the Plan, including crime/community safety, education, the environment, housing and health and transport.

Mrs Irving said: "It was great to have so many people along and to start to make real progress with ideas to improve Westbury and the surrounding areas.

"The success of the Plan now relies on people and organisations committing their time and resources to do this."

The launch of the Plan was followed by a presentation by Roger Drummond of Mouchel Parkman, the consultants appointed by Wiltshire County Council to work on road system developments. He outlined options for Westbury, stressing the need for all developments to be feasible.

Central to Mr Drummond's presentation was the need to improve the link between the three distinct areas of Westbury itself the old, new and core spaces.

l Copies of the Community Plan are available from Westbury Library or by contacting WAAG on 07837 359523. This number can also be used by anyone wishing to get involved with any aspect of the Plan.