TANTRUMS, bickering and two blondes in one shower overshadowed the first eviction on The Farm.

The show moved into its second week of filming on Richard Guy's East Hill farm in Heytesbury and Farmer Giles' columnn will keep you up to date with all the gossip.

Cicciolina was the first farmhand to be culled, rumours were she lost the respect of the nation after it emerged she once slept with Ron Jeremy.

A colleague of mine this week was watching the show with her young daughter who could not understand how someone could be famous for taking his clothes off.

When the person in question looks like Ron does, I'm not sure I understand it myself.

Lionel Blair had another week of tantrums about washing up, early starts and a water bottle.

Maybe the main cause of the wrinkly entertainer's discomfort is that Ron insists on calling him Lion-Elle, in that annoying way Americans mispronounce our words.

The two Emmas shared a shower together this week in a move that I'm sure will surprise no one.

You can almost see the producers of the show panicking about ratings and urging the pair to lather up.

Meanwhile, Flava has shattered a lot of admiration I once had for him.

His rap group, Public Enemy, made some really important music in the 80s and 90s about racism and social inequality in America. So it was a bit sad to see him holding a lamb and repeatedly baa-ing his own name.

Maybe he confused lambs with parrots and expected it to baa back. Or maybe too much time with Lionel "hissy fit" Blair has sent him a bit crazy.