JUST a brief correction to your article in Friday's Advertiser. Swindon TUC has not "offered to lead the campaign" to keep the school open.

The staff and parents whose lives are directly affected by the proposed closure are the ones who will lead the campaign. Swindon TUC, together with the unions with members at the school have responded to the request of staff for support.

We facilitated bringing everybody together to launch the campaign. We will provide assistance to them, resources and funding and our experience of building campaigns. But the parents and staff have already shown plenty of intelligence and initiative. We are supporting them in their fight to save the school. The wider the support the greater the chance of saving Salt Way.

If readers want petition sheets to collect signatures ring Ayzee on 879958 or myself on 07786 394593.


(Secretary Swindon TUC)

Park North, Swindon