I AM writing about the article in Wednesday's Evening Avertiser regarding Queensfield.

I am somewhat amazed at the claims of the Conservative councillors D Bayliss and P Sharp of their work in getting the road repaired.

I have brought this up for three years at the AGM of Stratton Parish Council meetings only to be informed get onto Swindon Council as it was nothing to do with them.

P Sharp was at these meetings.

The person in my opinion who got this done was Michael Wills our local MP.

He called to see me while touring the Queensfield area in February 2005 and in regard to my concern about the road got onto G Bryant of the highways unit.

He also sent me a copy of the letter, also a copy of the letter back from a D R Cole at the council stating that the work would be carried out by the end of the summer.

Well done and thank you Michael Wills.


