THOUSANDS of pounds of taxpayers' money is to be spent sending a councillor on a university course.

Coun David Renard (Con, Haydon Wick) will study an MSc in Public Service Management costing up to £7,000 over two years.

But Labour councillors have hit out at the decision.

"This is another apple in the Tory trough," said Coun Barrie Thompson (Lab, Parks), deputy leader of the Labour group.

"Yes, we need to develop elected members in their role, but this is at the expense of universal training.

"It is a personal grab at the spoils of office."

Coun Thompson also highlighted that council officers who are sent on courses have to stay in their jobs for a period of time or pay back the course fees.

"Will Coun Renard be subjected to the two-year payback rule that applies to staff?" he said. "What happens if he leaves office or loses his seat next year?

"This decision makes it clear that the Tories need some Public Service Management training, but not at the expense of our public services."

The decision was made by the council's member development steering group which, because Labour councillor David Nash could not attend, consisted only of Coun Renard himself and council leader Coun Mike Bawden (Con, Old Town and Lawn).

But both men defended the decision, stressing the importance of training.

"The Government is driving councillors to become more professional," said Coun Renard.

"On a number of occasions I have said 'Is anybody else interested in doing this?'

"Member training and development is something it is very difficult to get many members involved in."

He added that although it was possible he could lose his seat he was happy to guarantee that he would not resign, which is all council officers can agree to when they commit to staying at the authority.

Coun Bawden added that it was important to give councillors training and that he applauded Coun Renard for taking the course on.

One set of minutes from the meeting said the course would cost around £7,000 while another set said £6,000.

No one was available at the council last night to confirm which figure was correct.

Isabel Field