David Hempleman-Adams with carnival princess Summer Burton-Morgan and attendant Lauren Medway (17104/10)Explorer David Hempleman-Adams, who is more used to braving temperatures of minus 50 degrees, faced glorious sunny weather when he ventured into Bradford on Avon on Monday.

Mr Hempleman-Adams, from Box, opened the 9th annual Lions Club Charity Fundraiser, in his capacity as chairman of council for Wiltshire St John Ambulance.

Lions Club president Brian Hersie used the event to present Mr Hempleman-Adams with a cheque for £5,000, which has already been spent on a new ambulance.

The new ambulance cost £50,000, which was raised by the Lions Club, the Rotary Club and by a series of talks organised by Mr Hempleman-Adams.

After opening the proceedings the 48-year-old explored the rest of show, which included a collection of around 150 classic cars and motorbikes.

The event was packed full of activities and attractions for all the family, with the giant car boot sale and a collection of classic cars receiving the most attention.

There was plenty of entertainment for the children as well, including bouncy castles and races.

More photographs appear in this week's Wiltshire Times