Acupuncturist Gisela Norman is preparing for a two-week stay in the war-torn Gaza Strip to tend to injured citizens and refugees.

Ms Norman, 51, who is based at the Park Lane Practice, in Chippenham, has said that putting her life on the line to help others is a risk she is prepared to take.

She said: “There is obviously a huge risk – I will be going into a war zone, but this is a golden opportunity for me to give something back.

“I am going out there to not only help those injured or battling with depression but to also help teach local doctors about how acupuncture can really make a difference to these people.

“Acupuncture is amazing at helping patients suffering from shock, depression, addictions or battling psychological problems.

“I know that I am walking into one of the most volatile and dangerous places in the world, but these people need my help and I am prepared to do whatever it takes.”

Ms Norman, who has been an acupuncturist for 23 years and based in Chippenham for five, has said that her 21-year-old son Nikos is also concerned for his mum’s welfare.

She said: “He is extremely proud of what I am doing but he is obviously worried and wants his mum to come back in one piece with no bullet holes. With him going off to university in September it is the perfect time for me to be doing this.”

Ms Norman will be heading out on October 3 with a group of medics working with the World Medicine organisation.

In a bid to raise the £1,000 she needs to go, Ms Norman will be joining her colleagues from the Park Lane Practice at the end of the Chippenham Half Marathon on September 13 where they will be tending to runners’ aches and pains for donations.

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