Plans to build a 55-bed nursing home at Box Wharf were met with confusion by councillors at a meeting of the Northern Area Planning Committee and so the scheme was deferred until the next meeting.

The proposal, which has been put forward by Blueview Properties Ltd, of Box House, involves a nursing home for the elderly, as well as 18 extra care apartments. Planning officers had recommended the plans be refused for reasons which include the site being in the green belt, it would be out of keeping with the area and would have an overbearing impact on nearby residents.

Mock up photographs of the proposal left councillors confused about how the proposed building would look and the plans were deferred for new pictures to be produced.

Villager Joan Hales told the meeting: “I speak on behalf of a number of people who are extremely interested and supportive of this development.

“It is exactly what is needed, in the right place, with the right accommodation.”