Family and friends of architect Anthony Shores are mourning his sudden death hours after he completed a charity cycle ride in Paris.

Mr Shores, who was 46 and lived in Chittoe, was a keen cyclist and had completed a 300 mile bike ride from London to Paris.

He and a group of friends set off from London on June 17 and finished on Saturday.

But during Saturday evening he died peacefully in his sleep in a Paris hotel. The cause of his death is not yet known.

His wife, Louisa, was too upset to speak. They do not have any children.

Mr Shores was aiming to raise £500 in aid of the Parkinson’s Disease Society through the ride which he and his friends had arranged.

Steve Ford, chief executive of the Parkinson’s Disease Society, said: “We are very saddened to hear the news of Anthony’s death. Our deepest sympathies go to his family and friends at this difficult time.”

Mr Shores set up his architectural practice, ASA Architecture Limited, in 1995 and he had rented an office above The Stationery Cupboard in Devizes Market Place, for the past two years.

William Bohan-Pitt, owner of the Stationery Cupboard, said: “I have got six tenants in the offices above my shop and everyone in the building is in total shock at Anthony’s death.

“Anthony was a nice, unassuming man and got on very well with all my tenants.

“He has been a customer of mine since he started in practice and my tenant for two years.”

Jonathon Seed, a resident of Chittoe, said: “Anthony was a lovely man and worked very hard at his architect’s business. Everyone in the village is shocked to hear of the tragic and premature loss of such a nice family man.”

Mr Shores was born in Brazil but moved to the UK when he was a child and was educated here.

He met his future wife, Louisa, in London and they moved to Wiltshire 15 years ago.