Malmesbury's High Street is to receive a welcome boost when its Co-op supermarket reopens today after a £270,000 refurbishment.

The nine-day revamp means that the store now has whole banks of eco-friendly fridges and has doubled its range of fresh fruit and vegetables as well as offering more in-store baked bread.

It is anticipated that the shop will be so busy that three more staff have been taken on in addition to the 22 existing workers.

Store manager Tony Howard said: “It really does look the part. Half the shop is now fridges and freezers, all our beers and white wines are now going to be chilled.

“It’s not had much money spent on it in the last few years and it’s been in need of a refurbishment.

“A few years ago it might have been a candidate for closure, but we’ve been doing so well recently they’ve decided to give it a revamp.

“Some other stores have just had small bits and pieces done but here they’ve gone the whole hog.Everything has been ripped out.”

Both of Malmesbury’s main stores are set to be Co-ops after Somerfield was taken over by the chain. Mr Howard said: “In most towns where there are two, one of them will have to close.

“But because Somerfield is a supermarket and here on the High Street we are a convenience store both can stay open.”

Chairman of the Malmesbury Chamber of Commerce, Alan Woodward, said the refurbishment was a sign that Malmesbury was surviving the recession.

He said: “It is very good that the Co-op are spending the money to renovate the shop.

“We’ve had some closures but I think we’re doing better than some of the surrounding towns.

“On the High Street we have a new clothing shop opening up next to WH Smith and a card and gift shop will be opening soon where Lloyds Pharmacy used to be.”