From being on the verge of death 18 months ago, Marlborough teenager Robert Dobie has taken a step nearer his ambition of becoming a firefighter.

The 14-year-old’s determination to overcome the odds and follow his family into the service was rewarded when he spent a week working on a Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service youth scheme.

Robert’s parents, Bob and Michelle, of Rabley Wood View, were told by doctors to prepare for the worst in December 2007 after he contracted a severe form of e-coli food poisoning from a beefburger bought in a Swindon market.

It made his body shut down leading to kidney failure and, on Christmas Day itself, a stroke.

Miraculously Robert’s condition stabilised and he began the long struggle back to fitness. He was buoyed up during his recovery by visits by local firemen who even took one the Marlborough fire engines up to his home because he was too ill to travel to the fire station.

Robert’s lifelong ambition has been to become a firefighter like his great grandfather Sid Dobie and cousins Ronnie, Dave and Geoff Jones.

As soon as he was well enough Robert joined the Royal Berkshire Fire Service cadets at Hungerford Fire Station.

Last week because of his dedication and determination, the St John’s Year 10 student was invited to join a Salamander course in Swindon in which teenagers spend a week learning how to become firefighters.

Robert said: “The highlight of the week was going up to about 90 feet on the aerial platform.”

His father said: “We think the support he has been shown by Wiltshire Fire Service really did help his recovery.”

Marlborough Fire Station commander Wayne Presley is also a Salamander trainer.

He said: “Robert had a very good week. He is 100 per cent committed and is an outstanding individual. I think we could have this young man at a fire station in Wiltshire as soon as he is old enough.”