The jury at Winchester Crown Court today heard more details surrounding the fatal stabbing of Devizes dad Matthew Baggott.

Mr Baggott, 35, died at Great Western Hospital, Swindon, on Thursday September 6 2007 after suffering 14 stab wounds during an incident near St John’s Church at about 3pm on that day.

His assailant Daniel de Costa, 31, of Kingsbury Square, Melksham, has pleaded guilty to manslaughter but denies murder.

Tall, slim, bespectacled De Costa, who has a moustache and goatee beard and a blue tattoo stretching from his left cheek up round his eye to his forehead, has sat quiet and attentive throughout the trial.

Prosecution barrister Ian Lawrie today read a statement from carpenter Mark Samira who had been working in the church and was having lunch in the churchyard.

He said he saw a group of drinkers in the churchyard one fitting De Costa’s description and acting in an aggressive manner. He saw him produce a silver bladed knife and later smash a bottle against a monument.

Stephen Fowler told the court he had been among a group of friends going to visit a flat in the area. They had to pass through a group of drinkers at the end of the alleyway leading to the church.

He said he could smell alcohol on them and felt very intimidated by them as they were arguing amongst themselves.

As he was entering the alley to the flat he heard scuffling going on behind him. He turned to see one of the group on the ground and a taller man leaning over him apparently punching him though he did see a flash of something silver in his hand.

Sgt Richard Tottle gave evidence that he had been called to the Market Place to the report of a stabbing and was alerted by PCSO Paula Yarrington to two men acting suspiciously.

He stopped De Costa and his friend Julian Hill and spoke to them outside the Palace Cinema.

Sgt Tottle said: “He appeared confused as to what had happened.”

At that point Sgt Tottle was approached by local man Mark Hiscock who had been among the group of drinkers and had witnessed the stabbing.

Sgt Tottle then saw De Costa drop a knife. He was asked by Mr Lawrie to identify the knife presented in evidence to the court and said it was very similar to the one he had seen on the day.

Mr Lawrie then read a statement from PC Joanne Philpott who had been on duty at Melksham custody unit when De Costa was brought in.

De Costa had been in conversation with another detainee who had also been arrested for stabbing someone. De Costa had told him: “I just stabbed a man five times, a bloke called Matty.”

PC Philpott had asked: “Matty Baggott?” and De Costa replied “Yeah that’s him.”

In another statement police psychiatrist Dr Anil Kuber said that De Costa had told him that the victim had insulted him.

He said “I saw red and I snapped.”