How does a 100-year-old celebrate their birthday? A card from the queen, dinner with the family and a few well deserved glasses of cheer? That is exactly how Mrs Dot Carey spent her 100th birthday last month and was even joined by the Mayor of Melksham and the Town Cryer.

Mrs Carey, however, decided she didn’t want presents from her friends and family this year but donations of money instead. She raised the grand total of £200 which has very kindly been given to the Great Western Ambulance Service Community First Responder (CFR) Fund.

Dot has had to call 999 on a few occasions now – although for her age is still very active – and wanted to say thank-you to the Trust for the service and care she has received.

Dot said: “Without the ambulance service I simply wouldn’t be here today. Asking for money to give as a donation instead of receiving presents seemed the obvious thing to do.

“I still received so many flowers from friends and family, my whole table was covered, so I didn’t miss out at all.”

Dot has a pacemaker fitted which has apparently been set by consultants to last her another 15 years and at the moment Dot is certainly looking set to see it out.

“I wish it could have been more money but I hope it can be put to good use.”

Ambulance officer Steve Blackmore visited Mrs Carey to collect the money and said: “The donation from Dot will be put towards buying equipment used by our CFRs such as defibrillators. These are quite expensive but just the kind of life-saving kit required.

“Mrs Carey’s kindness will be felt for a long time to come and will benefit many patients in the future.”

Please note: A picture of Dot Carey (centre) and her niece, Doreen Spiller, handing the money to Steve Blackmore has also been attached.