An elderly woman who is the alleged victim of a rapist told Swindon Crown Court today that she "prayed" for the ordeal to stop and reminded her attacker she was a "happily married old lady".

But the man said he "liked older women" and dragged her into a wooden copse and continued his assault, she claimed.

Earlier the court heard that Michael Alcock, 27, set upon the 71-year-old retired teacher and mother of three as she strolled through a disused airfield in Yatesbury, near Calne, with her King Charles spaniels.

Alcock, from Bridgend, south Wales, who denies the allegation, claimed the woman wanted sex with him and was prepared to pay for the pleasure, Swindon Crown Court heard.

But she told the jury she thought she was going to die when the man, dressed as a hiker, took off his rucksack, and knelt on her windpipe.

He made a pretence of wanting a lift before asking her for sex, she said.

Her false teeth were dislodged in the struggle, and she feared she would be choked to death if they were knocked down her throat.

The woman told the jury: "It was a nice day. Sunny, crisp and clear. I just thought I'd take them (the dogs) out for an extra (walk).

"I took them to the area I refer to as the airfield, just off the A4."

Was that a safe place for a woman to be walking alone, Mr Barker asked.

She said: "I thought so."

She said she was wearing an overcoat, brown cords and flat brown shoes.

"The little dog ran over to him and jumped up. It dawned on me later that he hadn't liked it. I called her off, as she was being a nuisance,"

she went on.

"He came up very quickly and was too close. I didn't like that.

"He came round the side of the car and asked for the time. I told him it was a quarter past one. I felt uneasy because he was coming towards me, coming too close."

He asked for a lift, because he was meeting someone down at the next car park, she said. Once refused, she said, he asked for her car keys so he could drive himself to the meeting. Again she turned him down, she said.

She continued: "I was feeling very frightened, very apprehensive. I didn't really have a coherent plan of action. I wanted to get in the car and was terrifed of the dogs getting loose.

"There wasn't anyone around and I was hoping someone would come, because I knew I couldn't run.

"He said he wanted to kiss me. I said he couldn't as I was a married woman and didn't do that sort of thing.

"This continued for some time. It didn't stop. Then he said he wanted to have sex with me.

"I said 'No'. At some point he brought this knife out.

"He held it with the point towards me, very close. He was handling it and turning it in his hand. I think I screamed and it was very frightening.

"I screamed at him. Because I use words in my job I said something like 'This is very serious, put it away. Walk away from me now and I'll forget all about this. This is a serious crime we are looking at'.

"I was terrified.

"After a while he put it away. He said he still wanted sex with me. I said 'I'm an old lady and happily married' and that I didn't do things like that.

"I think I offered him money to go away, because I'd been to the bank and hadn't spent it all. I said 'Couldn't you find someone you could pay?'.

"He said he didn't want to do that and liked older women. I told him I was 71, but he said he liked older women.

"He got hold of my arm or my collar and started to pull me away from the car toward the trees of this little copse further in from where I parked my car. I was crying, whimpering, screaming, desperately looking for anyone coming.

"I was struggling, struggling, struggling. I clung to bits of tree - anything really. I think I hung on to the wing mirror.

"By this time I might have been on my knees. He was very strong. He seemed to do it quite effortlessly really. I was trying to put it off, asking him not to. Praying.

"He told me to lie down. He took the rucksack off.

She added: "He knelt across my windpipe. I thought I was going to die. I tried kicking around a bit but that wasn't much good. It seemed to go on for ages and ages. At one point I think I got hold of a finger and bent it back but I'm not sure."

She continued: "Always at the back of my mind the knife was there.

Despair really. I just couldn't see how it was going to end. All the things you read about in the newspapers came flooding in. I was so frightened and thought I just had to endure it."

Earlier in evidence she said she had not had a drink for 20 years because alcohol had "taken over her life", she said.

She was spared a possible second rape when a van came along and she warned the attacker the road would get busier, the alleged victim claimed.

The man then ran off, the court was told.

She sat in her car, smoked three cigarettes and felt "overwhelming relief" that it was over, she said.

She added: "There was no question - I had to tell the police. He was dangerous. I was praying for the strength to get home safely."

The trial was adjourned until tomorrow.