I wish to thank all the people of Devizes North ward who voted for me in the local election.

At last some of the people are beginning to realise the true fact that the corrupt wasteful EU is taking control of our lives, yes even us in Wiltshire.

Although I was unsuccessful in the election, I was proud to represent UKIP and will continue to support our aim to leave the EU and get our democracy back to make our own laws for the British people.

Ernie Giles, Dunkirk Hill, Devizes.

I would like to say thank you to all the people in the Urchfont and the Cannings Division who voted for me in the Wiltshire Council elections. Although not successful, I was touched by the personal support I received. It is my wish and hope that Lionel Grundy the successful candidate, will give you all the support you deserve and need over the forthcoming four years.

Tony Adamson, Horton,Devizes.

Many thanks to everyone who voted in the local elections, and particularly to those who supported me. I was thrilled to be elected and look forward to representing the Lowden and Rowden ward in Chippenham.

Judy Rooke, Wiltshire Councillor, Chippenham Lowden and Rowden.

Thank you to the voters at Urchfont and The Cannings, for returning me as your Councillor in the new Wiltshire Council. I am delighted to have the opportunity to work with the many excellent people I met during the campaign and to discuss and fight for local issues on your behalf. I look forward to meeting more of you in the future.

Coun Lionel Grundy, Urchfont and The Cannings.